Arduino Bluetooth Control LED

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Arduino Bluetooth Control LED
Arduino Project which you want to control LED  via Bluetooth.


1. Arduino UNO Board or compatible Board
2. Serial Bluetooth Module. ( HC-06 )
3. LED with Resistor 300 - 1K ohm x 8

Wiring Diagram

Output LED 1 to Pin 2 ( Arduino Board )
Output LED 2 to Pin 3
Output LED 3 to Pin 4
Output LED 4 to Pin 5
Output LED 5 to Pin 6
Output LED 6 to Pin 7
Output LED 7 to Pin 8
Output LED 8 to Pin 9

Bluetooth Module Tx to  Pin 0
Bluetooth Module Rx to  Pin 1

Control with Android

Android App on Google Play  

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email :   Tel .081-6452400


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