ESP8266 Eclipse Development

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ESP8266 and Eclipse Development

Eclipse have use for many developer for Android Development, php or C/C++.
Now,Eclipse can use with ESP8266 WiFi Module development also.

If you are not use eclipse before then download first.

Prepare your Eclipse environment for C/C++ programming

1.Download Eclipse

2.Install Eclipse CDT ( C/C++ Development Tooling)

Open Eclipse

Goto Menu Help => Market Place 

Find CDT then Install

3.Install C Compiler ( MinGW )

Download and install MinGW. Get mingw-get-setup.exe from the official SourceForge project.

4.Install ESP8266 SDK

Download and install Mikhail Grigoriev’s Unofficial Development Kit for Espressif ESP8266.

( 141 MB )

5.Install MinGW script
Mikhail Grigoriev made some awesome scripts to automate the installation of additional modules in MinGW which are needed for compiling. You can download his package here, extract it somewhere and then run install-mingw-package.bat.

How to Open Example Code and Flash

When you have prepare your Eclipse Environment already.
Import Example code and Flash to ESP8266 WiFi Module.

See on VDO above.

Goto Menu File => Import

Then Select Existing Projects into Workspace

Select Espressif  Example folder

Test Blinky2 Source Code

Then Flash to ESP8266 WiFi Module

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