Arduino ESP8266 Sent Sensor data to IoT ThingSpeak ( Internet of Things )

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Arduino ESP8266 Sent Sensor data to IoT ThingSpeak 
( Internet  of Things )

A major component of or rather the very concept, Internet of Things, is about how to connect various devices to the network so that they can both send data and receive commands. Various technologies to address the last mile connectivity, such as Bluetooth, WiFi, NFC, etc... already exist, but most of these are complicated to deploy and often need additional hardware such as a local control server or appliance.

System Diagram
  1. Arduino Board or compatible board
  2. ESP8266 WiFi Module ( ESP-01 ) with Flash New Firmware.
  3. DHT11 Temperature / Humidity Sensor 

Wiring Diagram

ESP8266 pin CH_PD to 3.3 V
ESP8266 pin UTXD to Arduino Pin10  ( RX1 ) 
ESP8266 pin URXD to Arduino Pin11  ( TX1 ) 

ESP8266 Module Pinouts

DHT11 pin 2 (Data ) to Arduino PIN D8

Development Kit Prototype

Development Kits on ebay

1.ESP8266 firmware 
2.Arduino Code
ESP8266 firmware 
You need to upload new firmware to your ESP8266 Module.
Download Firmware from ESPDUINO

Firmware is in folder espduino-master/esp8266/release/
It has 2 files .

Arduino Code 

Using DHT11 library from:

Original Code from 
Rock solid esp8266 wifi mqtt, restful client for arduino

But, I've modified to work with Android UNO Board.

What is Thingspeak?
ThingSpeak is an open source “Internet of Things” application and API to store and retrieve data from things using HTTP over the Internet or via a Local Area Network. With ThingSpeak, you can create sensor logging applications, location tracking applications, and a social network of things with status updates.

Then we use ThingSpeak Channel to store and show your sensor data over Internet HTTP.

Getting Start with ThingSpeak

View Sensor Data through

My Data in my place on 16 May 2015 ( 16:10 - 16:30 )

My On line Real Time Data 
Visit here

Android ThingSpeak Data Monitor App.

ThingSpeak Data Monitor in Android App.


Rock solid esp8266 wifi mqtt, restful client for arduino


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