ESP8266 Eclipse Development

ESP8266 and Eclipse Development

Eclipse have use for many developer for Android Development, php or C/C++.
Now,Eclipse can use with ESP8266 WiFi Module development also.

If you are not use eclipse before then download first.

Prepare your Eclipse environment for C/C++ programming

1.Download Eclipse

2.Install Eclipse CDT ( C/C++ Development Tooling)

Open Eclipse

Goto Menu Help => Market Place 

Find CDT then Install

3.Install C Compiler ( MinGW )

Download and install MinGW. Get mingw-get-setup.exe from the official SourceForge project.

4.Install ESP8266 SDK

Download and install Mikhail Grigoriev’s Unofficial Development Kit for Espressif ESP8266.

( 141 MB )

5.Install MinGW script
Mikhail Grigoriev made some awesome scripts to automate the installation of additional modules in MinGW which are needed for compiling. You can download his package here, extract it somewhere and then run install-mingw-package.bat.

How to Open Example Code and Flash

When you have prepare your Eclipse Environment already.
Import Example code and Flash to ESP8266 WiFi Module.

See on VDO above.

Goto Menu File => Import

Then Select Existing Projects into Workspace

Select Espressif  Example folder

Test Blinky2 Source Code

Then Flash to ESP8266 WiFi Module

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ESP32 WiFi and Bluetooth Module form Espressif ( NEW )

ESP32 WiFi and  Bluetooth LE Module form Espressif ( NEW )

So many of us have been happily using in the inexpensive ESP8266 chips for some time now for IOT applications, home control etc and long may that continue. They do have SOME issues – for example they are short of RAM memory to the point that all except critical subroutines have to be stored in FLASH and pulled out when needed. The somewhat slows things down as the 80Mhz processor (160Mhz at a pinch) has to pull stuff out of the external serial FLASH to use it. In practice the ESP8266 is still very fast but this is just one step that would be nice to avoid. Lack of IO lines also is a little painful as so many of the available lines are dual purpose – GPIO0 for example cannot be held low on powerup as it is used to put the processor into programming mode. We get around these issues but wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t have to.

Espressif teased us about a successor to ESP8266 a few months ago that would support both WiFi and Bluetooth Low Energy, and John Lee, working for Espressif Systems, has now sent a letter to ESP8266 developers announcing the new wireless SoC with two Tensilica L108 cores and called ESP32.

Espressif ESP32 key improvements over ESP8266:

Faster WiFi – Wifi has been upgraded to support HT40 speed (144.4 Mbps) and has a new RF architecture to simplify the application schematics
Bluetooth Low Energy and Classic
Dual core processor – 2x Tensilica L108 processors clocked at up to 160 MHz
Low Power Mode Improvements – ADC conversions, level thresholds, etc.. can now be performed in deep sleep
Peripherals – Capacitive touch, ADCs, DACs, I2C. UART, SPI, SDIO, I2S, RMII, PMW, etc… but no USB.
More RAM – ~400 KB on-chip RAM
Security – Hardware accelerated AES and SSL, and more undisclosed improvements.
Simplified APIs – Not many details provided here, except WiFi APIs will be simplified, yet keep good flexibility and control.

One of my contact also informed me that there were two PGA (Programmable Gain Amplifier) blocks connected to two ADC blocks in the chip, which could be used for power metering with one PGA/ADC block used for voltage measurement, and one PGA/ADC block for current measurement. So ESP32 would offer a one chip solution for smart sockets. [Update: A few more information gathered from twitter: Close to 40 GPIOs, IPV4 and IPv6 support, is where you want to write to apply for a board, QFN package, not much more expensive than ESP8266, …]

The letter promises that beta testing will start soon with about 200 applications boards to be sent out, and a bounty program will be launched for people who can successfully compromise ESP32 security. The CEO also made a call to engineers who are interested in working with the company in Shanghai.

In case you’ve been hiding under a virtual rock over the last two years, you might have missed it when Espressif turned the IoT game on its head by releasing a chip with WiFi and a decent embedded processor for under $1 in bulk, and costing not much more than that in a module.

They’re looking to repeat the success of the ESP8266 with the ESP32, that should be coming out any time now. As we get closer to the release date, details start to dribble out. [Alberto], who makes very nice-looking pinout diagrams for a number of our favorite chips and modules, has already made us an ESP32 module pinout diagram.

And [Rudi] has been digging up nearly every crumb of info on the ESP32 that’s publicly available. For instance, it was through his website that we learned that the new RTOS SDK source is already up on GitHub.

There’s also a source of official information in the ESP32 forum, but there’s not much news there just yet. We expect this to change as more beta units make it out into the wild.

We covered the announcement of the forthcoming ESP32 last month, and we have to say that we’re looking forward to getting a module or two in our hands. Twin cores, BTLE support, and better DMA are tops on our list of neat features.

There’s also a source of official information in the ESP32 forum, but there’s not much news there just yet. We expect this to change as more beta units make it out into the wild.

We covered the announcement of the forthcoming ESP32 last month, and we have to say that we’re looking forward to getting a module or two in our hands. Twin cores, BTLE support, and better DMA are tops on our list of near features.

For more details, please refer to
An excel template for PCB processing requirement of ESP32 Module.
(33.49 KiB)
Including 3 files:
(207.12 KiB)
Introduce the BOM list of the ESP32 Module.
(47.22 KiB)

ESP32 Bug Bounty Program (A MINIMUM OF US$1000!)

Project Unofficial Development Kit for Espressif ESP32
Michael Grigorev has released a Beta version of Unofficial Development Kit for Espressif ESP32 (Windows)

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ESP8266 IoT Control RGBLED Light form Espressif IoT Demo Source Code

ESP8266 IoT Control RGBLED Light form Espressif IoT Demo Source Code
We introduce embedded applications based on Espressif’s SoC with WiFi connectivity ESP8266. The IoT demo applications here showcase how you can develop an entire application with this single SoC, and to realize smart connectivity.

The SDK provides a set of interfaces for data receive and transmit functions over the WiFi and TCP/IP layer so programmers can focus on application development on the high level. Users can easilymake use of the corresponding interfaces to realize data receive and transmit.
All networking functions on the ESP8266 IoT platform are realized in the library, and are not transparent to users.

System Diagram
Default IP address of SoftAP mode is In station mode the IP address is assigned by router. The IP address in the URL represents IP in SoftAP and station mode depending on which is required.

Wiring Diagram
ESP8266 Pin GPIO_12 to R LED 
ESP8266 Pin GPIO_13 to B LED 
ESP8266 Pin GPIO_15 to G LED 

How to Control
( HTTP Protocol )

GET Command Info

    "Version": {
        "hardware": "0.1",
        "sdk_version": "1.3.0",
        "iot_version": "v1.0.5t45772(a)"
    "Device": {
        "product": "Light",
        "manufacturer": "Espressif Systems"


GET Light Status

    "period": 1000,
    "rgb": {
        "red": 22222,
        "green": 22222,
        "blue": 22222,
        "cwhite": 22222,
        "wwhite": 22222


POST Control Light in Red , Green , Blue     POST
JSON {"freq":100,"rgb":{"red":XXX,"green":XXX,"blue":XXX}}

Source Code
Mikhail Grigoriev’s Unofficial Development Kit for Espressif ESP8266.

The IoT demo source code of is in the "usr" folder, and the details are as follows:
user_main.cmain file
user_webserver.ccreates a TCP server, provides REST light weighted webserver function
user_devicefind.ccreates a UDP transmission, provides device look-up function
user_esp_platform.ccommunicate with Espressif Cloud
user_json.cjson packet processing function
user_plug.cdemo of plug device
user_light.cdemo of PWM light device

user_humiture.cdemo of humidity-temperature sensor device

SDK Development Guide

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email :   Tel .081-6452400


ESP8266 IoT Smart Plug with NETPIE

ESP8266 IoT Smart Plug with NETPIE
ESP8266 WiFi Module make smart plug Internet of Things Application.

System Diagram
1.ESP8266 WiFi Module ( ESP-12E )
2.Relay Module
3.OLED Display

Wiring Diagram

ESP8266 Pin GPIO_15 to Relay
ESP8266 Pin GPIO_04 to OLED SCL pin
ESP8266 Pin GPIO_05 to OLED SDA pin

ESP8266 Source Code and Web App Source Code ( HTML5 )

About ESP8266 Code and Web App Code
You need register and login to get APPID, APPKEY and APPSECRET.
Then Use them to your code.

ESP8266 Code

Web App Code ( html )

NetPie IoT Service

Original Project from NetPie ( in Thai Language )

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email :   Tel .081-6452400


ESP8266 WiFi Development kit connect TFT LCD Display

ESP8266 WiFi Development kit connect TFT LCD Display

Wiring Diagram

TFT LCD Pin LED to +3.3 V.
TFT LCD Pin MISO ( not use )

1.ESP8266 WiFi Module ( ESP8266 DevKit or NodeMCU )
2.TFT LCD 2.2 Inch  : TFT01-2.2SP from Electrofreak (SPI Bus )

Software Test on Arduino IDE

Goto Menu 
Files => Examples => Adafriut ILI9341 => graphictest

If you don't have that examples.
Must Include Library First
Goto Menu
Sketch => Include Library => Manage Library

Input "Adafruit ILI9341" in Filter your Search...
Your will find Adafruit ILI9341 Then Install it.
Now.Your will have Adafruit ILI9341 Examples.

Open Code and edit some pin

#define TFT_DC 9  to 2
#define TFT_CS 10 to 5

Test TFT LCD with my ESP8266 Development Board

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email :   Tel .081-6452400


How to use Arduino IDE with ESP8266 Support

How to use Arduino IDE with ESP8266 Support

When you download and install Arduino IDE already.
( Now is Arduino IDE version 1.6.5 )

Then Open Arduino IDE

1. Go to menu File  ->  Preferences 

and paste to Additional Board Manager URLs Then OK

2.Go to Menu Tools -> Board -> Boards Manager...

You will see Boards Manager Windows.
Then type esp8266 in the Filter your search...

Now, It'show esp8266 information Then Click on that and it show INSTALL button.



 Now, It has ESP8266 Boards in your menu.

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email :   Tel .081-6452400